
7 sprzedanych
WoodWoolDesign to łódzka marka, stworzona z pasji. Ważna jest dla mnie nowoczesność oraz estetyka wykonania obrazków, jak również zapewnienie obsługi na najwyższym poziomie dla każdego klienta. Wszystkie oferowane przeze mnie deski są w 100% wykonane ręcznie, a każda z nich jest jedyna w swoim rodzaju. Obrazki wykonuję metodą String Art, polegającą na zaplataniu włóczki na gwoździach. Każdy produkt składa się zaledwie z 3 elementów: deska, gwoździe i włóczka. Oferuję ogólnoświatową wysyłkę wszystkich produktów, a także pomoc techniczną dla klientów, która pomoże rozwiązać wszystkie problemy i pytania.






Oceny i komentarze

Piękne wykonanie, serdecznie polecam.


Dla zakupów powyżej 200zł

Rabat 10 %

Prawa konsumenta

Intellectual property rights.

  1. You may only view and download content on the website for caching purposes and print a single copy of content for personal use.
  2. You must not:
  • republish any content from this website and social media;
  • present any content in public;
  • reproduce or exploit any content on this website and social media for commercial purpose;
  • edit or otherwise modify any content on the website and social media; or
  • redistribute any content from this website and social media unless we expressly permitted redistribution.


  1. Domestic and foreign orders are generally processed and shipped within 24 hours of receipt.
  2. The delivery time for products made to individual order is longer and takes 1 week.
  3. Delivery time depends on the place of delivery (domestic / foreign orders).

Individual order

  1. Individual orders are set by e-mail. The contractor sends a preliminary draft or WoodWoolDesign prepares a graphic design for acceptance and sets the price. The project is free. After approval of the project, contractor is obliged to make a payment, only after it posted WoodWoolDesign start the project.


  1. WoodWoolDesigs is created by hand in Lodz, Poland.


  1. We can not guarantee that the colors on website are the colors corresponded to the reality. This depends, in part, on the color settings of your computer.


  1. The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the date of purchase and the obligation to return the goods within the next 14 days. The money will be returned when WoodWoolDesign receives the products. WoodWoolDesign returns the equivalent of the purchased product and the cost of sending it to the customer. However, the cost of returning (returning the product) is already covered by the customer.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this statement, you should contact our customer service department by email: info@woodwooldesign.pl.

Warunki zwrotów

The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the date of purchase and the obligation to return the goods within the next 14 days. The money will be returned when WoodWoolDesign receives the products. WoodWoolDesign returns the equivalent of the purchased product and the cost of sending it to the customer. However, the cost of returning (returning the product) is already covered by the customer.

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